JNNCE Journal of Engineering and Management

JJEM: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal of JNNCE, Shivamogga

JNNCE Journal of Engineering & Management (JJEM) is published by Jawaharlal Nehru New College of Engineering (JNNCE), Shivamogga- Karnataka which is acknowledged as a leading institution in the area of technical and management education in Karnataka and South India and has consistently ranked among top fifty technical institutions in India.



JNNCE Journal of Engineering and Management

JJEM is published twice a year, in January and July with ISSN: 2582-0079. Both online and print versions are brought out.

The journal provides a platform for academicians, research scholars, industry managers and practitioners of engineering and management to facilitate discussions and to disseminate their thoughts and work to the research community a large.

The main objective of this journal is to keep the readers updated about the latest innovations, developments, trends, theories and techniques in the field of engineering and management sciences.

The journal seeks to publish innovative and original research based articles, case studies and research abstracts in all functional areas of technology and management. The journal invites reputed academicians, industry experts and practitioners to be on the Editorial Board and Panel of Reviewers and extend support to the publication.

Five volumes with 10 issues are already brought out.

The journal is indexed in International Scientific Indexing (ISI) and the url for JJEM on ISI server is (JJEM - ISI). The journal has a impact factor of 1.219 for the year 2020-2021 and 1.395 for the year 2021-2022, based on International Citation Report (ICR).

The articles of JNNCE Journal of Engineering & Management (JJEM) are indexed/abstracted in the following index services.

Recent Certificate of Submissions

# Details Page No
Women-Led Social Enterprises: Driving Economic Change in Rural Areas
Dr. J. Kavitha, Lawrence
Empowering Women through Creating Change and Driving Transformation
Roopa A.C, Dr. Subhadra P.S
Women Entrepreneurs and Access to Finance: Challenges & Solutions
Dr. Prakruthi N Udupa
Women's Economic Empowerment through Strategic Welfare Initiatives in Goa
Deepa V. Dhumatkar, Dr. (CA) Subrahmanya Bhat
A Study on Women Entrepreneurship in Unorganized Sector
Ramakant Kulkarni, Bharati Badiger
Trends and Status of Female Participation in Indian Labour Force
Dr. Mamatha S M, Chaitra S T
Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs of 21st Century: Literature Review
Madhuri P A, Praveen D P, Sinchana K D

The individual authors are solely responsible for infringement, if any, of Intellectual Property Rights of third parties. The views expressed are those of the authors. Facts and opinions published in JJEM -JNNCE Journal of Engineering & Management express solely the opinions of the respective authors. Authors are responsible for citing of sources and accuracy of references and bibliographies. Although every effort will be made by the editorial board to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statements appear in this journal, the data and opinions appearing in the articles including editorials and advertisements are the responsibility of the contributors concerned. The editorial board accepts no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading data, information, opinion or statements.