Welcome to JJEM: A Multi-Disicplinary Journal of JNNCE, Shimoga

JJEM Eight Issue - Volume 4 Number 2 -2020

Volume 4, Issue 2

Blue-Book Marks Recognition System

Published:    2021-03-30


Sandeep B


The Blue-Book Marks Recognition System recognizes the marks obtained by the respective students in their Internal Assessment. The average marks are calculated and displayed. This system solves the real time problem where the faculty should enter the obtained marks and upload it into VTU database, which will be tedious one. The proposed system is implemented by taking some of the sample images, convert it into binary image and resize it. The region of interest is obtained from the resized image and the resulting image is then processed to box identification and box extraction. The digits are extracted from those boxes and are subsequently recognized. The recognized digits are displayed, and the average is calculated and displayed.


Neural Network; Segmentation; Image Processing