
JJEM: Special Edition 3 (January 2025)

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A Study on Role Played by Women in Family Decision Making and Control on Family Purse- A Case Study on SHG Members of Gudumghatta Village Bhadravathi Taluk Shivamogga District Karnataka State India.


Dr Sangeeta Bagali


In most societies of the world, women have been defined largely in terms of their functions and wives and mothers, and by cultural images of their sexuality. The rights of women to become educated and to hold job outside of the home have frequently been questioned; women who have had to work have tended to be of low economic and social status. There is no doubt that many or most Indian women do not accept their traditional role of dependence on male relatives. But as the possibility of economic independence through respectable employment, becomes a reality for middle class Indian women, they may be allowed new options. This paper explores the role of women in the family decision-making process. A study was conducted in Gudumghatta village, located in the Bhadravathi Taluk, to examine women's influence in family decision-making and their level of control over household finances.


Family Decision making family purse