JJEM: Special Edition 3 (January 2025)
JJEM: Special Edition 3 (January 2025)
Issues and Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs: A Study on Women Entrepreneurs in Shimoga District, Karnataka State, India
Dr. Ashwini H A
Entrepreneurship is always very challenging due to the various risks it offers and the challenge is even immense to the women entrepreneurs. Recent governmental initiatives and evolving societal attitudes have significantly strengthened the support for women's entrepreneurship, recognizing its long-deserved importance. However even in the present scenario women entrepreneurs are facing number of issues and challenges. This research paper investigates the myriad issues and challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in Shimoga District, Karnataka, India. Employing a structured questionnaire administered to a sample of 100 women entrepreneurs, the study identifies significant barriers such as limited access to finance, societal norms, and inadequate support networks. Data analysis includes Pearson's correlation analysis, chi-square tests, and descriptive statistics revealing critical insights into the factors influencing women's entrepreneurial success. The findings underscore the need for targeted interventions to enhance the entrepreneurial environment for women in the region.
Women Entrepreneurs, Challenges, Shimoga District, Karnataka, India, Entrepreneurship, Barriers