
JJEM: Special Edition 3 (January 2025)

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Empowering Women Financially: An Empirical Study of Self-Help Groups in Udupi District


Jyothi Acharya


The present research being a micro study looks into the degree and process of financial self-employment of women through Self Help Groups, especially in Udupi District of Karnataka. Through SHGs, women have formed an effective channel for credit and banking services for women, especially for women in rural areas. The study objective is to search for the effectiveness of SHGs in providing credit, income generation, and financial literacy to increase women's capability, and the test of self-empowerment, for example, decision-making power in homes and other areas. Data collection was done through Questionnaires and Interviews with the help of SHG women in Udupi. The study established that women can borrow cash from SHGs, save, and start small businesses. The study also reveals some of the drawbacks that limit the optimization of SHGs in improving women's lives; these are poor financial education and inadequate external support. This study finds that financial self-reliance amongst the SHGs is dependable however; long term and enhanced power is entirely possible with the executing fresh programs like instrumental ascendancy and favorable coverage. The study's findings can thus guide efforts in enhancing the effectiveness and viability of SHGs in the other districts of the rural region including Udupi.


Financial empowerment, Self- Help Groups, self- reliance, financial literacy