JJEM: Special Edition 3 (January 2025)
JJEM: Special Edition 3 (January 2025)
A Study on Significance of Empowering Teachers for the Corporate World
Dr. Manju N. D
The research study was undertaken to investigate the significance of empowering teachers for the corporate world. The sample consists of 100 pre-service teachers (B.Ed. student teachers) from Shimoga city, selected using a stratified random sampling technique based on the independent variables of gender and stream. Pre-Service teachers' attitude towards empowerment was accessed with the help of the Teacher Empowerment Scale Developed by the investigator Dr. Manju N. D. The study employed a descriptive survey method. The data obtained from the survey was analyzed by using Percentage analysis and t-test. Findings of the study were: 1. Majority of the pre-service teachers in Shimoga city i.e., 62.0% of them possess an Average level of empowerment and 25% possess highly empowered, and only 13% of the pre-service teachers possess less empowered in their teaching. 2. There is no significant difference between male and female pre-service teachers in their teacher Empowerment. 3. There is no significant difference between Arts and Science Stream Pre-serviced teachers in their Teacher Empowerment.
Teacher Empowerment, Attitude, Student Teachers, Corporate world