
JJEM: Special Edition 3 (January 2025)

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A Study on Women Entrepreneurship in Unorganized Sector


Ramakant Kulkarni, Bharati Badiger


The topic of entrepreneurship has attracted the academicians and researchers but most of it is done taking the cases of organized sectors. Further the women entrepreneurs have contributed significantly in organized sector and the quite a good amount of documented literature is available. A lot of scope in women entrepreneurship's study in unorganized is available for the researchers and academicians. The few areas that deserve attention for study are one tutor coaching classes, maid servants, vegetable vendors, life skill and soft skill freelancers, content writers, columnist, beauticians, wayside tea and eatable stalls, garment sellers, handicraft artisans, tailors, home based catering and so on. These women contribute and supplement to the family finances in a great deal and help take care of house hold expenses. The financial freedom they gain make them confident and empower them. The objective of the present paper is to make an attempt to study few of the women entrepreneurs in unorganized sector and look at the issues they face and what could be done to bring them in main stream economic activity which could add to the GDP numbers. The study is based on primary data collected from few women entrepreneurs by formal and informal interaction.


Women, Entrepreneurs, Un-organized sector, financial freedom.