
JJEM: Special Edition 2 (December 2024)

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Digital Attendance Register with face recognisation.


Amith S, Santosh S G


Regular attendance is compulsory for success of every student, but old methods like calling the names and attendance taking is more time consuming. Now a days it is very helpful for the teachers, this digital attendance system takes less time to record attendance. This paper proposes a face recognition attendance system using Computer Vision technology to solve these problems. By using cameras and face recognition, the camera can automatically capture and take student attendance and we use Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image processing. This method works faster, and it is accurate, and gives real-time updates, helping teachers to track student details. Additionally, it gives reports on student attendance, enabling administrators to identify and solve attendance-related problems. Overall, this system streamlines attendance management and enhances student outcomes.


Computer Vision Technology, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Haar-Cascade and LBPH algorithms