
JJEM: Special Edition 2 (December 2024)

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Enhancing object detection through image dehazing.


Vinay S,Mr. Sampath Kumar S.


Dehazing procedure helps in utilizing a better quality of photos taken from the hazy areas. In addition to increasing smogginess of the photos that have been captured in the foggy environment, the procedure is highly significant and it may serve the objective of the proposed object detection’s and it is important in preprocessing stage. This forms haze as light is diffused by debris, smoke, and globules of water which also makes the image to have less contrast. In fact, such deterioration is really a trouble for object detection systems. In particular for corresponding applications using it, like for example, remote sensing, self-driving, and surveillance systems where high accuracy of results and their reliability are critically required. In fact, to resolve this kind of problem, this study offers the whole framework to integrate not only the YOLO: The paper integrates not only You Only Look Once for Object Detection model but also the DCP dehazing method into the study. The method of atmospheric light value estimation followed by the dark channel value computation and the enhancement of the transmission map with the help of these three values do the work of calculation of haze in an efficient manner and then its removal is carried out by DCP approach. directing the screening process.


Haze Degree, DehazeNet, Faster RCNN, Dark Channel Prior, DCP