
JJEM: Special Edition 2 (December 2024)

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Illegal vehicle parking find system using machine


Tanuja B S, Arunkumar k l.


In current generation, a Major challenge confronting the typical individual is traffic. And it's expanding continuously as the population increases and more unlawfully parked cars contribute to the problem. The research aims to resolve its limitations following a recommended model to address this problem using an image analysis for identifying parking rules violation detection which are derived from temporal duration. In this research, a real-time video database is pre-trained as input. To select specific borders and compare unlawfully parked vehicles, an attribute retrieval and partitioning method is pre-trained. The most suitable machine learning methods, such as Convolution Neural Network and Optical Character Recognition is used. The system significantly enhances traffic management efficiency and security by accurately identifying and vehicle identification violations in instant by using the machine vision technology. Algorithm achieving 96.34% accuracy.


Retinopathy, Segmentation, Image Processing