
JJEM: Special Edition 2 (December 2024)

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Online Exam Anti-Cheat Guard.


Venkatesh K B, Prashanth A


In present world, online education system is more prioritized which is started due to the COVID-19 pandemic therefore online exams also started. students can easily cheat during the online exam; so, we developed a ‘Anti-cheat Guard’ this will monitor the student’s activities like talking with someone, tab-switching, absence of a person during the exam. We have used the facial recognition models for face tracking of the students. This work is real-time live monitoring system, its starts monitoring from starting of the exam to until exam ends, if any cheating occurs that device will alerts the voice message. We made simple web application which is very easy to access by any one, using this we can conduct the fair exams.


Authentication, Twilio, Cheating detection, Face tracking, Tab switching.