JJEM: Special Edition 2 (December 2024)
JJEM: Special Edition 2 (December 2024)
Hand based gesture control using Bluetooth speaker
Neha T, Prashanth A
Everyone will love to hear music, if they are in happy mood or sad mood they love to hear the music but the dumb and blind individuals can't hear the music because they can't see and they can't talk and hear also, so we have created special device called Gesture Controlled Bluetooth Speaker. A dumb and blind individuals can communicate their feelings through hands and expressions, dumb people can’t able to speak, and blind persons can't see anything, that’s why this module is prepared for them, that is operated by their hands and they can change the music by raising and lower the speaker to change the volume and to change the song. This module is prepared by using Bluetooth Module, and this module helps to access all main functions of music player like play, stop and volume up/down through hardware. In additionally we are adding the feature like gesture control slides movements without the use of remote.
Hand Gesture, Gesture Recognition, Dumb and Blind Person, Arduino, Bluetooth