JJEM: Special Edition 2 (December 2024)
JJEM: Special Edition 2 (December 2024)
Automotive Odyssey: navigating tomorrow's roads
Vidyashree N M, Mr. Sampath kumar S
Self-driving Car, a model which is an eye opener for many stakeholders, revolutionized the automobile industry through its accuracy, usage of data models and computational methodologies. From Benz patent motor car, the earliest manual car built in 1885 to Elon musk’s Tesla, which uses advanced technology to provide a self-driving skills for four wheeled vehicles, the Automotive industry have shown their capacity in accommodating, adjusting to the advancement of the emerging world by providing magnifying facilities to the consumers. This paper focuses on how a Udacity car simulator environment in collaboration with Google colab as well as Anaconda and Visual Studio as the supporting platform can be used to implement a self-driving mechanism by visualizing, testing and training a virtual four wheeled vehicle.
Udacity car simulator, Visualization, Anaconda platform