JJEM: Special Edition 2 (December 2024)
JJEM: Special Edition 2 (December 2024)
Autism Spectrum Disorder detection using facial recognition with machine learning
Bhumika U P, Raghavendra S P
A neurodevelopmental disorder that is as crucial as behavioral, social, and communication anxiety is autism spectrum disorder or ASD. This is especially true in the case of people with autism since getting a diagnosis early is vital in enhancing outcomes for the individual. This paper discusses a new machine Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Machine learning, ResNet50, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).and deep learning technique with facial image recognition for screening ASD in children. The process will include evaluation of the facial features and training a classifier to estimate the chances of ASD using ResNet50 of CNN models. It was noted that positive results can be achieved once the proposed approach had been applied and tested on the datasets that are accessible to the public. This unpretentious and relatively cheap approach may serve as an avenue for an early stage of ASD prediction, and conversely, improve first level preventions significantly.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Machine learning, ResNet50, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).