
JJEM: Volume 6 Issue 2 (Jul - Dec 2022)

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Women empowerment through Financial Inclusion: A study on Shimoga Taluk


Praveen B, Abhishek N


Financial inclusion and economic improvements are related to every other. The primary intention of financial inclusion is to make financial services available, easily and at low cost to all in a protected and transparent manner to help inclusive growth. But the unequal distribution of financial services amongst men and women creates an economic gap in the rural area. In order to eradicate this issue banking firms has taken various programs. This study is aim at to know about the awareness of women in knowing banking services on women empowerment in the Shimoga Taluk. This study consists of Shimoga taluk of Karnataka with Hundred and fifteen respondents have been chosen by way of simple random sampling method. This paper is to finds out that when women are actively taking part in the banking system, they can control risk, and educating them in financial management helps in controlling and minimizing the risk and maximize the saving trend.


Financial inclusion; Banking system; Women empowerment