JJEM: Volume 3 Issue 1 (Jan - Jun 2018)
JJEM: Volume 3 Issue 1 (Jan - Jun 2018)
Fault Tolerance Control in Industry of Metal Crack Detection & Segregator Using Image Processing
Geetha. M., Bhoomika. K. S
This is the system for automatic crack detection. The system is capable of analysing metal parts by means of a laser excitation system and a thermographic camera. The laser creates thermal gradients inside the part under inspection, and the thermal camera observes how heat diffuses inside the part. Cracks can be automatically detected by using computer vision algorithms specifically developed for this task, which might be capable of measuring and classifying heat profiles. Different algorithms must be developed for rugged and smooth metal parts, since the reaction to laser excitation is rather different. The detection algorithms can be tested on several sequences and showed very good detection performance also with cracks of very small size, having a width.
Thermographic camera; computer vision algorithms.