
JJEM: Volume 1 Issue 1 (Jan - June 2017)

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Efficient and Reliable Authenticated Group Diffie Hellman Key Exchange for Secure Group Communication


Lavanya R., S. V. Sathyanarayana


Security is a major industry concern that could significantly slow IoT market growth. IoT security is a multi-layered problem with the added complexity of practical implementation challenges arising from supplier diversity and legacy systems. Many IoT based application devices have limited resources in terms of computational processing capability, power, bandwidth, and memory. These resource-constrained application devices have a limited capability to support security-related functions. Rather than device-to-device communications, group communications in the form of broadcasting and multicasting incur efficient message deliveries among resource-constrained IoT devices. The major security concern in group communication is authentication, confidentiality and integrity of messages, forward and backward secrecy. In recent years several group key management schemes have been suggested for group based application to provide security of information in the group. In this paper, for a distributed group system, an efficient Group Diffie-Hellmann Key Exchange (GDH) algorithm, that is an extension of two party Diffie-Hellmann Key Exchange is proposed to exchange the common group key among all the members of group. The group key generated can then be used to encrypt or decrypt the messages and to prevent the intruders from gaining access to the group information. Since all the members contribute their own shares in group key generation, only the authorized group members will be able to generate the secret key, which prevents unauthorized group members from gaining access to group key. Hence, in order to maintain the backward and forward secrecy, the group keys are updated whenever a new member joins or leaves the communication group. The proposed algorithm is more efficient in terms of group key generation. Re-keying operation is performed immediately after membership changes and the updated group key is entirely different from the previous group key. Moreover, the key generated is also very strong and secure since, it uses cryptographic techniques.


IOT; Group Key management; group key; Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange; authentication; confidentiality; integrity; forward secrecy; backward secrecy.