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JJEM Sixth Issue - Volume 3 Number 2 -2019

Volume 2, Issue 1

Performance Analysis Of OFDM System Using Different Types Of Modulation Techniques Under Different Fading Channels And Reducing PAPR Of An OFDM System By Clipping Method

Published:    2018-06-30


Shilpa H. R.,  M. D. Sunil


Higher data rates connectivity with strong link reliability is the important requirements of today’s wire- less communication systems user. This is the driving force for the future mobile broadband networks (4th Generation (4G)). Multiple Input Multiple Output-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems accomplish such require- ments. This project deals with performance analysis of different modulation schemes such as BPSK, Mary QAM and QPSK for OFDM system in MATLAB. BER for BPSK, QAM and QPSK for single channel OFDM system are derived. Comparisons of simulated and theoretically calculated BER are presented using MATLAB simulation for both AWGN and Rayleigh channel. A method to reduce Peak to average power ratio (PAPR) is also presented.


Fading, Orthogonality, Interference, PAPR.