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JJEM Sixth Issue - Volume 3 Number 2 -2019

Volume 1, Issue 2

Block-Chain Platform for Internet of Things:  An Application Oriented Approach

Published:    2017-12-30


Chandini A.G.,  Ganesan P., S. V. Sathyanarayana,  G.K Patra


Internet of Things (IoT) which is internetworking of devices are adopted for many applications. The basic concept of IoT is connectivity where in machines are internally linked to the cloud, in real time basis. Thus Cloud-Based concept came into existence that is making maximum use of IoT technologies. While Cloud requires a trusted intermediary for transactions between the users who wish to avail services. However, Cloud enables ubiquitous, convenient access to shared pool of resources, this will increase the costs substantially, as it forms a centralized network. Existing IoT solutions are more expensive because of the high infrastructure and maintenance cost associated with centralized clouds. Our aim is to design a decentralized, peer-topeer model called 'Block Chain Platform for Internet of Things' that inherits the Block-Chain technology. Block-Chain forms a core technology behind Bit-Coin. This platform enables peers in a decentralized, peer to peer network to interact with each other securely without the need for a trusted intermediary. The proposed mechanism in this project is to implement Block-Chain into Internet of Things (IoT) which forms a decentralized system that eliminates single point of failure and also this provides a platform to assure Non-Repudiation and Integrity for nonfinancial transactions. In this proposed work, implementation is accomplished by using Arduino UNO and Sensors which measure environmental parameter like Air Quality data. A set of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B's forms a Block, connection of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B to Arduino UNO R3 with sensor forms a Block-Chain and Qt-Creator a Software Cross-platform IDE(C++) is used in which GUI is created and thus security is established in a Block-Chain network. Block is created and Hash value is validated that provides Integrity in a Block Chain network.


Internet of Things; Block Chain network; Raspberry Pi; Arduino UNO.